Dear B4SA and healthcare colleagues,
We are at a crucial juncture in our effort to halt the spread of coronavirus infections: a recent swell in numbers—a possible prelude to a third wave—coincides with Phase 2 of the vaccination rollout that will begin on Monday 17 May. Phase 2 targets those over 60 who have registered on the government’s EVDS platform. If you have not registered, please do so immediately—here is the link.
We all need to acknowledge the enormity of the task. The number of vaccines that need to be administered daily to achieve herd immunity is daunting. B4SA continues to work with the government and related stakeholders to ensure our energies are focused on getting Phase 2 successfully out of the starting blocks.
The drive to get over 60s to register must continue. The number of registrations is still too low. We know from a recent NICD report that it is only a small percentage of people who are reluctant to receive the vaccine. So we need to keep pushing the message: please register and help others to do so as well.
Read more: B4SA weekly update 14 May 21